Thursday, April 3, 2008

More from Sakura

*originally posted on the mamaVISION blog, reprinted here with kind permission from the original author*

I am one of the ‘faces of pro-ana’ and I just wanted to let you know that not all the girls on that blog are pro-ana. I know you will probably say I should not have been using a site that does have a thinspiration section (which I might add, I have never looked at) but not all the girls who use these sites are pro-ana or even anorexic. On the site I use the terms ‘ana’ and mia’ are banned because they feel it glamourises what is actually an insidious and often fatal disease. Many of the girls have binge-eating disorder, buimia or EDNOS and many, myself included, are in recovery.

I used that site as it was one of the places I was able to find unconditional support during my recovery from anorexia. I am happy to say that I have now more or less recovered and am maintaining a healthy weight. Overcoming anorexia is one of the hardest things I have ever done. This is one of the reasons I am so upset that my picture features on that blog. The picture I posted on the site was not intended to encourage people to lose weight, but to demonstrate how far I had come in recovery. The text that accompanied the picture demonstrated that, but evidently this was not read. I just wanted to explain that girls who are not and have never been pro-ana feature on the blog and this is unfair.

Demonising the women posted on the blog is ignorant and cruel, as many are suffering from severe mental health problems and it is not right to make fun of people who are ill. Many comments made have been outright insulting and personal, and this is not right.

I agree with you entirely that pro-ana should not be encouraged as I can tell you first hand that there is nothing glamourous or attractive about anorexia. Looking like a skeleton, having no energy to get out of bed, having your hair fall out in clumps and developing joint and heart problems are all part of the ‘fun’ I have endured. The joint and heart problems are permenant and despite having recovered it is still unlikely I will ever have children and may well die young.

I am very upset that I have managed to make a reasonable recovery only to be tarred with the pro-ana brush. I just wanted to post this so you know that not all girls featured on that blog are pro-ana and are undeserving of your hatred and insults.

Sorry this was so long!!! I just wanted to be heard, as the actual faces of pro ana blog has refused to post any of my comments, despite the fact that I believe what I am saying to be reasonable and not insulting to them in any way. I just want to get my point across.

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