Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Welcome to Faces of Pro Ana The Truth

This blog was started in response to another blog entitled "Faces of Pro Ana". The writers of that blog claim they are concerned relatives allegedly trying to protect young children, such as their 12 year old niece, from the dangers of the so called "Pro Ana" movement. They are allegedly attempting to raise awareness of the problem by copying member photos, without the express permission of those members, from alleged Pro Ana sites and reposting them on their blog with titles such as "This is the Face of Pro Ana" emblazoned above them.

Presumably this is an attempt at "naming and shaming", except many of the girls; whose pictures have been stolen and posted without their permission, regardless of whether they post on alleged Pro Ana sites are not actually Pro Ana themselves. Indeed many of them are simply vunerable young men and women who are struggling with an Eating Disorder, some of whom are bravely attempting to recover, and who abhor the entire notion of "Pro Anorexia" and would not wish their situation on anybody.

The people whose (stolen) photos have been featured on the "Faces of Pro Ana" blog and towards whom false and unfounded accusations have been levelled, are understandably very upset. Many of them feel very violated by what has occured and many, already in a vunerable state, are finding themselves struggling with setbacks in their emotional and physical stability. Repeated requests for their photos to be removed from the "Faces of Pro Ana" blog have so far been met with complete silence, so to try and counter the negativity of that site I have created this one to give those who feel they have been wrongly misrepresented a forum to tell their side of the story.

If you are someone who has been included on the "Faces of Pro Ana" blog and you would like to tell your side of the story and have the truth be known, then please email me at Include the photo of yourself that was used on the "Faces of Pro Ana" blog (and preferably also where the picture was originally posted, eg private message board, private photo account) and a brief written piece detailing any pertinent information, but especially including why you are not "Pro Ana" and the impact that the "Faces of Pro Ana" site has had on your wellbeing.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that there is someone out there with the best interests of people suffering from eating disorders at heart. The other blog shocked and appalled me due to its blatent disregard for the effects it would have on those women. Anorexia and eating disorders are severe mental health issues and not something to be laughed at and made fun of. I am truly concerned for the well-being of the girls whose photos were posted on that blog as such a thing may make there problems worse.

Anonymous said...

Well done for putting this to rights!!! Anyone could see that the other blog was only out to attack the women who featured on their page and how is that supposed to bring about an understanding of the pro-ana movement? I strongly disagree with the pro-ana movement and think it is rediculous to believe an eating disorder is a life choice, but nor do I think demonising women who have mental health issues is productive or helpful, in fact I think it is shameful and cruel. I'm glad to see someone has given these women a voice.

Anonymous said...

I saw the other blog and was very upset by what I saw there to be a disregard for people who are suffering from what is a horrible, painful, life threatening disease. I tried to post a very reasonable comment on there saying that although I supported their view that pro-ana was dangerous and not something to be ignored, posting pictures of women who have not even been consulted as to whether they are pro-ana or not and may be very badly effected by finding out their pictures had been made public property was morally wrong and that they should perhaps rethink their stratergy, but I was ignored, however, my comment went unposted. It seems as though they are only posting comments that suggest the girls do not have an eating disorder at all or which personally attack these girls. These seems to me hugely unfair and I wonder if they realise that they could be endangering the lives of people who could be suffering from depression on top of their eating disorders. I'm glad to see this blog in response to the other one, and am hoping it will provide a more balanced view.